August 30, 1901
On a recent visit to the Bland County Historical Society's Bogle
Library, Chuck Muncy was searching through some of the oldest Bland
County newspaper issues for a Muncy family member. His search led to a
1901 issue of THE BLAND REPORTER, which preceded the BLAND MESSENGER as
the county's newspaper. Below are some of the local happenings mentioned
in this BLAND REPORTER newspaper:
Mahoney Local News: "Miss Semma Weatherly, daughter of Rev. S. S.
Weatherly has typhoid fever. Mrs. M. E.Baumgardner and son have been
visiting at Rural Retreat, Va. We understand that great preparations are
being made at Ceres and Sharon church for the marriage of Walter S.
Foglesong and Miss Virginia Grossclose on the 29. Rev. F. F. Repass
preached at Bethany on Sunday last."
Point Pleasant Local News: "Rev. J. M. Ashworth preached at very fine
sermon here Sunday. Edward Hoge, of Scott Co, was visiting friends and
relatives here the first of the week. Miss Poca Thompson who has been at
Radford for a few months has returned home for a short stay. Miss Mamie
E. Moore of Mechanicsburg is visiting friends at the Slide this week.
Aristie and Ward Harmon have just returned home from a visit to Mountain
Lake in Giles County. They had a nice time. B. P. Brown and wife visited
at Bland Saturday and Sunday. Otto Harman who has been absent for a week
is at home now. Mrs. Mattie Harman is very poorly at this writing.
Grealie Harman of Kimberling passed through the Slide on Monday on his
way home from Bland. The carpenters are progressing very nicely with
their work at W. J. Comptons. Mr. Joseph Ashworth is smiling over a fine
baby at his house. Miss Ella Brown is still in bad health."
Mechanicsburg Local News: "D. O. McNiel and wife and Oscar Bernard and
wife were the guests of R. E. Munsey last week. Taylor Sheppard is right
poorly with typhoid fever. Foster Waggoner and wife were the guests of
R. E. Munsey Saturday and Sunday. Rev. J. T. Taylor went to Salem church
to preach Sunday. Dr. J. A. Waggoner was called to see Hubert Powers on
Monday. Dr. D. A. Miller went to Bluefield the first of the week with a
load of produce.Geo. Miller the threshing machine man is in our
community." threshing out the people wheat."
Stowersville Local News: "Miss Lula Stowers who has been visiting
relative at Gilliams Mill returned Tuesday. Several wagons from this
place went to Bluefield Monday. J. B. Gregory made a business trip to
Liberty Hill last week. A very quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr.
George W. Stowers on last Wednesday morning. Miss Ada Stowers and Mr.
Wootson Shrader of Rocky Gap were united in marriage. Rev. T. E. Weaver
officiating. Someone went into J. B. Gregory's house one night last week
and took a side of bacon. The same night about a half a mile away
someone went into Mrs. Angeline Daugherty's house and took a number of
pounds of flour."
Bland Local News: "D. W. Dunn went to Ceres yesterday. Rev. R. R. Sowers
will fill his regular appointment at the Lutheran church next Sunday.
Mrs. W. C. Crockett, Miss Emily and Miss Nellie McClung have all been on
the sick list this week. There will be a box supper at Newberry's Chapel
next Thursday night, September the 5th beginning at 7 o'clock. We
understand that the object of the supper is to raise money to repair the
church. On last Sunday morning the 11 month old child of Jessie Munsey
breathed its last. The child had been sick only a few days but it
steadily grew worse from the first. All the medical aid necessary was
rendered but all in vain. The parents have our deepest sympathy."
Country Directory listed in this issue: W. T. McNutt, Sheriff; F.
Kegley, Commonwealth Attorney; L. M. Newberry, Treasurer; J. C. Honaker,
Dept. Treasurer; H. F. Walker, Commissioner of the Revenue; D. H.
Munsey, Supt. Of Schools, L. D. Repass, County Surveyor; Board of
Supervisors: H. G. Hicks, Chairman, C. Folksong, Philipp Wohlford, N. A.
Some ads from the August 30, 1901 issue of The Bland Reporter